Meeting Agenda: June 15, 9:30
9:00 - registration, coffee/tea, Welcome from KALRO, introduction of all participants
Striga management: Challenges and existing methods - Dr. Jonathan Gressel, Weitzmann Institute, Israel
Biocontrol: Utilizing virulence enhanced Foxy T14 - Dr. David Sands, Montana State University, USA
Research report: Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Exploration Trials
Technology production: From isolating fungus to the farmer - Sila Nzioki, KALRO, Kenya
Liberty Initiators Network: Distribution, training and implementation - Florence Oyosi, LIN, Kenya
Trials Results - Dr. David Sands, Montana State University, USA
FIPS Demo Plot report - Paul Seward, FIPS-Africa
12:30 - Lunch Break
13:30pm - 16:00pm
Stakeholder Round Table
The 2nd half of the meeting will focus on these discussion points. This is a critical component while we have stakeholders present. The points below are not in any particular order yet. We'll likely set this up as a panel and design questions to guide the dialogue:
NGO Implementation Models
Scaling up within Kenya
Expansion to other countries
Permiting (Kenya, other countries, multi-country)
Funding opportunities
Plant Pathologist training
Women’s Empowerment Index (trying to have a representative from USAID)
Communications (striga networks, blog, crowd funding, social media, etc.)