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What is Striga? Why is it a challenge? How does it impact farmers? What is our Kichawi Kill solution? How does it impact farmers? In this video, our stakeholders will answer those questions! 

Geoffrey Wanjala, Agribusiness Advisor at CGA under Farm to Market Alliance sent us this report from a farm in Busia County. As soon as our product was commercialized (March 1, 2021), FtMA eagerly jumped in to conduct field trials. This is the mid-season report along with Wanjala's valuable endorsement. 

The BBC NewsDay program featured the Toothpick Project on April 5, 2021. This is the short 2 minute highlight of the interview with Dr. David Sands. For the full interviews, (each under 5 minutes) see below. 

This March 12, 2021 press conference was hosted by the Director General of the Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization. The highlight video include three presentations: first is the KALRO DG, Dr. Eliud Kireger; 2nd is Newton Kisala, Toothpick Company Ltd. General Manager; and 3rd is Ann Nyangasi, a farmer who has hosted demo plots on her farm.

April 5, 2021 BBC World News Service NewsDay:

Interview: Marygoretty Chitira - a small scale farmer in Bungoma County, Kenya

April 5, 2021 BBC World News Service NewsDay:

Full Interview: David Sands, Professor of Plant Pathology, Montana State University

In May of 2018, Claire Sands Baker and Dr. David Sands gave a talk at TEDxBozeman about the Toothpick Project. While some "goofs" happened during the talk, it was a great opportunity to get the project's work out there. The talk was well received by the audience as well.  






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